Results for 'Muhammad Akmal Roslani'

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  1.  21
    Human Behavior Analysis Using Intelligent Big Data Analytics.Muhammad Usman Tariq, Muhammad Babar, Marc Poulin, Akmal Saeed Khattak, Mohammad Dahman Alshehri & Sarah Kaleem - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Intelligent big data analysis is an evolving pattern in the age of big data science and artificial intelligence. Analysis of organized data has been very successful, but analyzing human behavior using social media data becomes challenging. The social media data comprises a vast and unstructured format of data sources that can include likes, comments, tweets, shares, and views. Data analytics of social media data became a challenging task for companies, such as Dailymotion, that have billions of daily users and vast (...)
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    Work-Family Conflict Impact on Psychological Safety and Psychological Well-Being: A Job Performance Model.Bojan Obrenovic, Akmal du JianguoKhudaykulov & Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era.Khalid Jamil, Liu Dunnan, Rana Faizan Gul, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani & Fazal Hussain Awan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study is to explore social media marketing activities and their impact on consumer intentions. This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social identification and satisfaction. The participants in this study were experienced users of two social media platforms Facebook and Instagram in Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. We used an online community to invite Facebook and Instagram users to complete the questionnaire in the designated online questionnaire system. Data were (...)
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  4. Abu call Ahmad Ibn Muhammad miskawayh.Muhammad Miskawayh - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi (eds.), An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--274.
  5. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, the humanist: a reassessment of the poetry and personality of the poet-philosopher of the East.Muhammad Iqbal - 1997 - Lahore: Iqbal Academy. Edited by Syed Ghulam Abbas.
    Includes an introd. of 49 p. by S. G. Abbas.
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    Quantifying controllability in temporal networks with uncertainty.Shyan Akmal, Savana Ammons, Hemeng Li, Michael Gao, Lindsay Popowski & James C. Boerkoel - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103384.
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  7. Geo-politics and Bangladesh Foreign Policy.Akmal Hussain - 1989 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 7 (2):99-100.
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    Filosofsko-pravovoe nasledie Immanuila Kanta i sovremennai︠a︡ i︠u︡risprudentsii︠a︡.Akmalʹ Kholmatovich Saidov - 2008 - Tashkent: Nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ t︠s︡entr Respubliki Uzbekistan po pravam cheloveka.
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    Ethical violations in the clinical setting: the hidden curriculum learning experience of Pakistani nurses.Sara Rizvi Jafree, Rubeena Zakar, Florian Fischer & Muhammad Zakria Zakar - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):16.
    The importance of the hidden curriculum is recognised as a practical training ground for the absorption of medical ethics by healthcare professionals. Pakistan’s healthcare sector is hampered by the exclusion of ethics from medical and nursing education curricula and the absence of monitoring of ethical violations in the clinical setting. Nurses have significant knowledge of the hidden curriculum taught during clinical practice, due to long working hours in the clinic and front-line interaction with patients and other practitioners.
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    Does Health Consciousness Matter to Adopt New Technology? An Integrated Model of UTAUT2 With SEM-fsQCA Approach.Sohaib Mustafa, Wen Zhang, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Aliya Anwar & Gelas Rubakula - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Every emerging technology has its pros and cons; health-conscious users pay more importance to healthy and environment-friendly technologies. Based on the UTAUT2 model, we proposed a comprehensive novel model to study the factors influencing consumers’ decision-making to adopt the technology. Compared to prior studies that focused on linear models to investigate consumers’ technology adoption intentions and use behavior. This study used a Structural Equation Modeling-fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis approach to account for the complexity of customers’ decision-making processes in adopting (...)
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    Ethical Concerns About Human Genetic Enhancement in the Malay Science Fiction Novels.Noor Munirah Isa & Muhammad Fakhruddin Hj Safian Shuri - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):109-127.
    Advancements in science and technology have not only brought hope to humankind to produce disease-free offspring, but also offer possibilities to genetically enhance the next generation’s traits and capacities. Human genetic enhancement, however, raises complex ethical questions, such as to what extent should it be allowed? It has been a great challenge for humankind to develop robust ethical guidelines for human genetic enhancement that address both public concerns and needs. We believe that research about public concerns is necessary prior to (...)
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  12. Natural Categories and Human Kinds: Classification in the Natural and Social Sciences.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The notion of 'natural kinds' has been central to contemporary discussions of metaphysics and philosophy of science. Although explicitly articulated by nineteenth-century philosophers like Mill, Whewell and Venn, it has a much older history dating back to Plato and Aristotle. In recent years, essentialism has been the dominant account of natural kinds among philosophers, but the essentialist view has encountered resistance, especially among naturalist metaphysicians and philosophers of science. Informed by detailed examination of classification in the natural and social sciences, (...)
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    Immanuil Kantning falsafiĭ-ḣuquqiĭ merosi va zamonaviĭ i︠u︡risprudent︠s︡ii︠a︡.Akmalʹ Kholmatovich Saidov - 2012 - Toshkent: Fridrikh Ėbert nomidagi zhamgharmaning Ŭzbekistondagi vakolatkhonasi. Edited by A. Kh Saidov.
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    Marshall–Olkin Extended Gumbel Type-II Distribution: Properties and Applications.Farwa Willayat, Naz Saud, Muhammad Ijaz, Anita Silvianita & Mahmoud El-Morshedy - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-23.
    Due to the advance computer technology, the use of probability distributions has been raised up to solve the real life problems. These applications are found in reliability engineering, computer sciences, economics, psychology, survival analysis, and some others. This study offers a new probability model called Marshall–Olkin Extended Gumbel Type-II which can model various shapes of the failure rate function. The proposed distribution is capable to model increasing, decreasing, reverse J-shaped, and upside down bathtub shapes of the failure rate function. Various (...)
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  15. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people: exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other: being a translation of the Akhlak-i Jalaly... from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1839 - Karachi: Karimsons. Edited by W. F. Thompson.
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    Be Aware Not Reactive: Testing a Mediated-Moderation Model of Dark Triad and Perceived Victimization via Self-Regulatory Approach.Hira Salah ud din Khan, Ma Zhiqiang, Shakira Huma Siddiqui & Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:555968.
    Generally toxic employees are under performers, yet some get better salaries and excel at workplace, getting positioned at higher ranks. This research assesses the relationship between the dark triad (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy) and perceived victimization with a focus on the mediating effect of abusive supervision and the moderating effect of mindfulness. The data were gathered in three waves. Both the structural equation model with partial least square and Process were used to analyze the data. The study findings suggest that (...)
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    Isolated Handwritten Pashto Character Recognition Using a K-NN Classification Tool based on Zoning and HOG Feature Extraction Techniques.Juanjuan Huang, Ihtisham Ul Haq, Chaolan Dai, Sulaiman Khan, Shah Nazir & Muhammad Imtiaz - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Handwritten text recognition is considered as the most challenging task for the research community due to slight change in different characters’ shape in handwritten documents. The unavailability of a standard dataset makes it vaguer in nature for the researchers to work on. To address these problems, this paper presents an optical character recognition system for the recognition of offline Pashto characters. The problem of the unavailability of a standard handwritten Pashto characters database is addressed by developing a medium-sized database of (...)
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    On Structural Properties of ξ -Complex Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications.Aneeza Imtiaz, Umer Shuaib, Hanan Alolaiyan, Abdul Razaq & Muhammad Gulistan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    Complex fuzzy sets are the novel extension of Zadeh’s fuzzy sets. In this paper, we comprise the introduction to the concept of ξ -complex fuzzy sets and proofs of their various set theoretical properties. We define the notion of α, δ -cut sets of ξ -complex fuzzy sets and justify the representation of an ξ -complex fuzzy set as a union of nested intervals of these cut sets. We also apply this newly defined concept to a physical situation in which (...)
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    Problem of evil in Muslim philosophy: a case study of Iqbal.Muhammad Maroof Shah - 2007 - Delhi: Indian Publishers' Distributors.
    Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1877-1938, Urdu poet and philosopher.
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    Mutiara hidup manusia Jawa: menggali butir-butir ajaran lokal Jawa untuk menuju kearifan hidup dunia dan akhirat.Muhammad Zaairul Haq - 2011 - Malang: Aditya Media.
  21.  29
    Nūr Muḥammad in the Perspective of the Tijaniyah Tarekat.Nur Hadi Ihsan & Muhammad Thoriqul Islam - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (1):23-42.
    Nūr Muḥammad is one of the teachings in Sufism that studies the beginning of the creation of the universe. The Sufis discussed Nūr Muḥammad through God's tajallī (manifestation), and they believed that only Insan Kamil (Perfect Humans) possessed the perfection of His tajallī. This Sufi theory can be comprehended through the dhawqi approach. This research will deal with Nūr Muḥammad's theory of Sufism through the perspective of Tijaniyah Tarekat. The data for this study was obtained through library research utilizing a (...)
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  22. Muslim perspectives on global ethics.Muhammad Khalid Masud - 2007 - In William M. Sullivan & Will Kymlicka (eds.), The Globalization of Ethics: Religious and Secular Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Muhammad Shahidullah Felicitation Volume.A. A. & Muhammad Enamul Haq - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):359.
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    Pembacaan baru konsep talak: Studi pemikiran Muhammad sa‘id al-‘asymāwī.Muhammad Fauzinuddin Faiz - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (2).
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    Melacak makna worldview: Studi komparatif worldview barat, Kristen, Dan Islam.Abdul Rohman, Ahmad Ahmad, Amir Reza & Muhammad Ari Firdausi - 2021 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 7 (1):45-64.
    ABSTRAK Dalam artikel ini akan diulas mengenai akar kata worldview dan maknanya, baik dari sisi filsuf Barat, teolog Kristen, maupun ulama’ Islam. Worldview adalah pandangan hidup atau filsafat hidup yang dimiliki setiap orang, juga berupa keyakinan yang mendasar dan berimplikasi terhadap pikiran dan cara pandang seseorang terhadap sesuatu. Artikel ini berjenis kajian kepustakaan dimana data-datanya diambil dari beberapa buku terkait worldview. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analisis penulis terapkan dalam penelitian ini. Data-data yang telah diperoleh dan dianalisa oleh penulis kemudian akan (...)
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  26. Ethical Leadership and Knowledge Hiding: A Moderated Mediation Model of Relational Social Capital, and Instrumental Thinking.Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah, Huang Dechun, Moazzam Ali & Muhammad Usman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:490579.
    The present study examined the direct and indirect (via relational social capital) relationships between supervisors’ ethical leadership and knowledge hiding. It also tested the moderating role of instrumental thinking in the relationship between supervisors’ ethical leadership and knowledge hiding and the relationship between supervisors’ ethical leadership and relational social capital. Data were collected from 245 employees in different firms spanning different manufacturing and service sectors. The results showed that supervisors’ ethical leadership was negatively related to knowledge hiding, both directly and (...)
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    Editorial.Muhammad Hozien - 2011 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 7:1-2.
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    Conflict of Culture and Religion: Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's “Pink Nail Polish” from a Bakhtin's Carnivalistic Point of View.Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan & Sayyed Mohammad Anoosheh - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 77:35-43.
    Publication date: 14 June 2017 Source: Author: Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan, Sayyed Mohammad Anoosheh By the 1930s, the Iranian society was driven toward modernization. Consisted with the concept of modernization, feminism ushered a whole new era in Iranian history. Besides, the outbreak of World War II and the consequent abdication of Reza Khan afforded women a golden opportunity to fight for their rights and emancipations. This movement was also supported by the famous male writers of the time among whom Jalal (...)
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  29. History and philosophy of Imam Husain's martyrdom.Muhammad Ali Salmin - 1943 - [Bombay,: [Bombay.
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  30. The relevance of values in management, an islamic perspective.Muhammad Anas Zarqa - 1998 - In Mustapha bin Hj Nik Hassan (ed.), Values-based management: the way forward for the next millennium. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia.
  31.  6
    Tolerance Temper in the Prophets’ Calling with their People The Prophet Muhammad, May God Bless Him and Grant Him Peace, Is A Model.Dr Hassan Muhammad Ali Al Ayoub Asiri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:494-501.
    In this research, I tried to collect and study Qur’anic verses related to the topic of tolerance temper in the prophets’ calling to their people, through the calling of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, to his people. At the end of the research, it concluded with results, the most prominent of which were: that the Holy Qur’an is the constitution of morals and etiquettes, and it includes sublime etiquettes and refined morals, and that (...)
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    COVID-19, artificial intelligence, ethical challenges and policy implications.Muhammad Anshari, Mahani Hamdan, Norainie Ahmad, Emil Ali & Hamizah Haidi - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):707-720.
    As the COVID-19 outbreak remains an ongoing issue, there are concerns about its disruption, the level of its disruption, how long this pandemic is going to last, and how innovative technological solutions like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and expert systems can assist to deal with this pandemic. AI has the potential to provide extremely accurate insights for an organization to make better decisions based on collected data. Despite the numerous advantages that may be achieved by AI, the use of AI can (...)
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    Falsafah.Muḥammad Nādir Ayyūbī - 2006 - Quetta: Sahaf Book Publishing Institution.
    Analytical study of philosophy; includes comparative study of world-renowned philosophers and their ideologies.
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    (1 other version)And Another Thing... On learning the art of successful begging.Muhammad Yaqub Chaudhary - 2002 - Logos 13 (4):230-232.
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    Ṭūbā-yi maḥabbat: majālis-i ḥājj Muḥammad Ismāʻīl Dūlābī.Muḥammad ibn Ismāʻīl Dūlābī - 2001 - Tihrān: Maḥabbat.
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    Ishkālīyat al-dīn wa-al-tadayyun: asʼilah, muqārabāt, namādhij, yaʻtamidu hadhā al-kitāb ʻalá majmūʻat abḥāth quddimat min khilāl aʻmāl nadawāt wa-warshāt naẓẓamatʹhā Muʼminūn bi-lā Ḥudūd.Muhammad Ghilani & Yunus Lukili (eds.) - 2024 - al-Shāriqah: Muʼminūn bi-lā Ḥudūd lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Abḥāth.
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    Jalan Sufi Ranggawarsita.Muhammad Zaairul Haq - 2011 - Kreasi Wacana.
    On sufism of Ranggawarsita teachings on Javanese philosophy.
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    Social Compliance Accounting: Managing Legitimacy in Global Supply Chains.Muhammad Azizul Islam - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book covers key discussions involving major US and European multinational companies (MNCs) that source products from suppliers in developing countries. Due to the transfer of production from developed to developing nations, there is an urgent need to establish social compliance as a new form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and a means by which MNCs can meet expected social standards. The cases described are internationally relevant and can be seen to reflect or represent the behavior of many MNCs and (...)
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    Parliament and Good Governance: A Bangladeshi Perspective.Muhammad Mustafizur Rahaman - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (1):39-62.
    The attainment of good governance is the question of the day in Bangladesh. This paper discusses the , parliamentary accountability, and assesses the effectiveness of the Bangladesh Parliament in ensuring governmental accountability and promoting good governance since 1991 when the country re-entered into parliamentary democracy. Considerable discrepancies between the expected role and practical performances are identified and the study further identified a number of problems that severely hinder parliament's accountability function. This paper primarily argues that Bangladesh vested excessive powers in (...)
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    Impact of female directors' foreign experience on green innovation: Evidence from China.Muhammad Jameel Hussain, Tian Gaoliang, Khalil Hussain, Adeeb Alhebri & Fadoua Kouki - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    This study explores the realm of sustainability by examining the influence of female directors' foreign experience on green innovation across various industry sectors and corporate board structures. Specifically, the research focuses on the impact of female directors' foreign experience on green innovation in Chinese listed firms from 2004 to 2021. Our findings show that female directors with foreign experience have a positive and significant effect on green innovation. Further analysis indicates that this relationship is positively and significantly moderated by state-owned (...)
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    Assessing the subtitling of emotive reactions: a social semiotic approach.Muhammad A. A. Taghian & Ahmad M. Ali - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (252):51-96.
    This article attempts to evaluate emotive meanings across languages and cultures expressed and elicited semiotically from viewers. It investigates the challenges of subtitling emotive feelings in the American filmHomeless to Harvard(2003) into Arabic. It adopts Paul Thibault’s (2000. The multimodal transcription of a television advertisement: Theory and practice. In Anthony Baldry (ed.),Multimodality and multimediality in the distance learning age, 311–385. Campobasso: Palladino Editore) method of multimodal transcription and Feng and O’Halloran’s (2013. The multimodal representation of emotion in film: Integrating cognitive (...)
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  42.  19
    Effect of Online Reviews and Crowd Cues on Restaurant Choice of Customer: Moderating Role of Gender and Perceived Crowding.Muhammad Asghar Ali, Ding Hooi Ting, Muhammad Ahmad-ur-Rahman, Shoukat Ali, Falik Shear & Muhammad Mazhar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study is aimed to identify the relative effect of online review ratings and perceived crowding on purchase intentions of a consumer. Our study also investigated the contingent effect of gender and perceived crowding between the relationship of exogenous and endogenous variables. This study was conducted in the Malaysian restaurant industry. We applied the purposive sampling technique to identify respondents, the mall intercept survey method was used for data collection. Smart PLS software was applied for data analysis. This study demonstrates (...)
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    Anxious Altruism: Virtue Signaling Mediates the Impact of Attachment Style on Consumers’ Green Purchase Behavior and Prosocial Responses.Muhammad Junaid Shahid Hasni, Faruk Anıl Konuk & Tobias Otterbring - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-35.
    Virtue signaling serves to express moral and ethical values publicly, showcasing commitment to social and sustainable ideals. This research, conducted with non-WEIRD samples to mitigate the prevalent WEIRD bias (i.e., the tendency to solely rely on samples from Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic societies), examines whether the scarcely studied virtue-signaling construct mediates the influence of consumers’ attachment anxiety (vs. avoidance) on their green purchase behavior and prosocial responses. Drawing on attachment theory and the emerging virtue-signaling literature, the current work (...)
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    Three Shadow Plays by Muḥammad Ibn DāniyālThree Shadow Plays by Muhammad Ibn Daniyal.Everett K. Rowson, Muḥammad Ibn Dāniyāl, Paul Kahle & Muhammad Ibn Daniyal - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):462.
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    Design Research and Object-Oriented Ontology.Paul Coulton, Haider Ali Akmal & Joseph Lindley - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):11-41.
    In this paper we recount several research projects conducted at ImaginationLancaster a Design-led research laboratory, all of which consider Object-Oriented Ontology. The role OOO plays in these projects is varied: as a generative mechanism contributing to ideation; as a framework for analysis; and as a constituent in developing new design theory. Each project’s focus is quite unique—an app, a board game, a set of Tarot cards, a kettle and a living room—however they are all concerned with developing new understandings relating (...)
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    Incommensurability.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 172–180.
    Along with “paradigm” and “scientific revolution,” “incommensurability” is one of the three most influential expressions associated with the “new philosophy of science” first articulated in the early 1960s by Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend (see kuhn and feyerabend). But, despite the fact that it has been widely discussed, opinions still differ widely as to the content and significance of the claim of incommensurability. What is uncontroversial is that the term “incommensurability” was borrowed from mathematics, where it can be used, for (...)
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    The Dark Side of Organizational Identification: A Multi-Study Investigation of Negative Outcomes.Muhammad Irshad & Sajid Bashir - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Imam Bukhari's Book of Muslim Morals and Manners.Muḥammad ibn Ismāʻīl Bukhārī - 1997 - Al-Saadawi. Edited by Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo.
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    (1 other version)Does hostile environment encourages abusive supervision and deviant work behaviours: a mediation approach.Muhammad Khaleel & Shankar Chelliah - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Hybridized Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm for the Optimal Operation of Directional Overcurrent Relays.Muhammad Sulaiman, Ashfaq Ahmad, Asfandyar Khan & Shakoor Muhammad - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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